No Special Exemptions from VCEA

Heavy industries shouldn't get to skip costs

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TO (Senate Commerce & Labor Dems ),,,,,,,,,,,

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Vote NO on HB 1430 - Don't allow industry to shirk energy costs

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Dear Senator,
Please oppose HB1430, which would create a pilot program to subsidize energy costs of large industrial customers known as Energy-Intensive Trade Exposed (EITE) industries, and pass these costs to all other customers. This bill would unfairly allow certain businesses to avoid costs of the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA); this issue deserves study but not a pilot program.

Many of America's largest corporations have embraced for their own operations aggressive renewable energy goals that often exceed Virginia's. Their commitment to clean energy, surpassing the provisions of the VCEA,earned them an exemption in the VCEA from the non-bypassable charges that most all other customers pay for the development of clean energy.

The heavy industrial consumers seeking a pass or reduction have made few or no investments to qualify them as clean energy buyers. Yet they want the same exemption from non-bypassable charges. Lowering their energy costs this way, they say, would let them better compete with companies in other states and abroad, especially countries where fewer environmental and climate protections exist and worse, pass these costs on to Virginians.

This bill should be rejected.
Take Action NOW!

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