Support Ban on Ghost Gun Parts

Tell our State Senators to vote YES on SB1181

We have an epidemic of gun violence in our state and not enough laws to address the proliferation of unmarked guns and the rise in deadly shootings that follows.

In 2020, an ATF agent in the Los Angeles field division found close to half of their cases were now from ghost guns.

Unmarked guns made from 3D printers and unfinished frames or receivers create these unserialized ghost guns which are untraceable firearms that allow anyone, including minors and those with a criminal record, to buy and build these handguns and assault weapons without a background check.

The police have no way of tracing these guns without a serial number and the chances of these guns ending up in the wrong hands is highly probable unless you vote to stop individuals and gun traffickers from bypassing the gun laws we have in place.

Reference: Brady United


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