2025 Priority Bills
Campaign Finance | ||||||
Cat | Number | Title | Patron | House | Senate | updated |
campaign finance | HB 1575 Support | Campaign fundraising; legislative sessions; enforcement of civil penalty.
Provides that violations of the prohibition on campaign fundraising during legislative sessions are to be reported to the Attorney General who shall initiate civil proceedings to enforce the civil penalty currently assessed for such violations....
Cherry(R) |
Privileges & Elections Sub striking from the docket (8-0)
1/23/25 |
campaign finance | HB 1576 Support | Campaign fundraising; legislative sessions; enforcement of civil penalty.
Provides that violations of the prohibition on campaign fundraising during legislative sessions are to be reported to the Attorney General, who shall initiate civil proceedings to enforce the civil penalty currently assessed for such violations. ...
Cherry(R) |
Privileges & Elections Subcommittee 3-5
1/23/25 |
campaign finance | HB 1686 Support | Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds; complaints, hearings, civil penalty, and advisory opinions
Prohibits any person from converting contributions to a candidate or his campaign committee for personal use....
Convirs-Fowler(D) |
Privileges & Elections incorported into HB2165
1/25/25 |
campaign finance | HB 1744 Support | Candidates for office; persons entitled to have name printed on ballot; required campaign finance reports.
Provides that a person who fails to file at least one of the campaign finance reports required by law to be filed in an election year by July 20 is not entitled to have his name printed on the ballot at the general election for the office sought.
Watts(D) |
Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB1744)
2/12/25 |
campaign finance | HB 1761 Support | Public campaign financing; counties and cities may establish for certain offices.
Authorizes the governing body of a county or city to establish by ordinance a system of public campaign financing for elected local offices....
Simon(D) |
Read third time and passed House (52-Y 45-N)
Rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (8-Y 7-N)
2/12/25 |
campaign finance | HB 2140 Support | Elections; campaign finance disclosure reports; searchable electronic database.
Requires the Department of Elections to provide an interface for the campaign finance database maintained by the Department that allows users to easily search for and sort information by individual candidates and types of elections, offices, committees...
Krizek(D) |
Read third time and passed House (96-Y 0-N)
Rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)
2/12/25 |
campaign finance | HB 2165 Support | Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds; complaints, hearings, civil penalty, and advisory opinions.
Prohibits any person from converting contributions to a candidate or his campaign committee for personal use...
Cole(D) |
Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (HB2165)
Rereferred to Finance and Appropriations (14-Y 1-N)
2/12/25 |
campaign finance | HB 2173 Support | Campaign finance; coordination and required independent expenditure committee disclosure; civil penalties
Provides a more detailed definition of the term "coordinated" or "coordination" in the context of campaign finance than current law. ...
Clark(D) |
by Privileges and Elections comm (Voice Vote)
2/1/25 |
campaign finance | HB 2479 Support | Elections; political campaign advertisements; synthetic media; penalty.
Prohibits electioneering communications containing synthetic media, as those terms are defined in the bill, from being published or broadcast without containing the following conspicuously displayed statement...
Sickles(D |
Read third time and passed House (80-Y 18-N)
Reported from Privileges and Elections with substitute (8-Y 7-N)
2/12/25 |
campaign finance | HB 2484 Support | Campaign finance; coordination and required independent expenditure committee disclosure; civil penalties.
Provides a more detailed definition of the term "coordinated" or "coordination" in the context of campaign finance than current law....
Sickles(D) |
by Privileges and Elections (Voice Vote)
2/1/25 |
campaign finance | HB 2607 Support | Campaign finance; prohibited contributions to candidates; Phase I
Prohibits candidates, campaign committees, and political committees from soliciting or accepting contributions from any public utility, as defined in the bill, and prohibits any public utility or any political committee established by such public utility from making any such contribution. ...
Ware(R) |
2/5/25 |
campaign finance | HB 2701 Support | Campaign finance; campaign contribution limits; civil penalty.
Prohibits persons from making any single contribution, or any combination of contributions, that exceeds $20,000 to any one candidate for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, or the Senate of Virginia or $10,000 to any one candidate for the House of Delegates in any one election cycle. ...
Bulova(D) |
2/5/25 |
campaign finance | HJ 444 Support | Study; JLARC; Virginia's campaign finance laws; independent agency; report.
Directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) to study Virginia's campaign finance laws....
Jones(D |
2/5/25 |
campaign finance | SB 775 Support | Elections; election offenses; dissemination of artificial audio or artificial visual media to influence an election; penalty.
Provides that any person who knowingly disseminates artificial audio or artificial visual media, as defined in the bill, intended to influence a political campaign shall include a conspicuous statement at the beginning of such media that states: ...
Surovell(D) |
Privileges and Elections
Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB775)
2/9/25 |
campaign finance | SB 906 Support | Campaign advertisements; independent expenditures; electioneering communications; disclaimer requirements.
Broadens the scope of disclaimer requirements for campaign advertisements to include electioneering communications, as defined in the bill, and messages advocating for the passage or defeat of a referendum. ...
Stanley(R) |
Privileges & Elections
1/28/25 |
campaign finance | SB 945 Support | Campaign finance; appeal of penalties.
Provides for an appeal process for any person or committee assessed a civil penalty under the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006. ...
DeSteph (R) |
Privileges and Elections
Passed Senate (40-Y 0-N)
2/9/25 |
campaign finance | SB 1002 Support | Campaign finance; prohibited personal use of campaign funds; complaints, hearings, civil penalty, and advisory opinions.
Prohibits any person from converting contributions to a candidate or his campaign committee for personal use. ...
Boysko(D) |
Privileges and Elections
Passed Senate (36-Y 4-N)
2/9/25 |
campaign finance | SB 1050 Support | Campaign finance; contributions from corporations prohibited; civil penalty.
Prohibits any corporation from making any contribution to any committee organized under the provisions of the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006 and prohibits any such committee from soliciting or accepting any contribution from any corporation. ...
Roem(D) |
Printed as engrossed 25102736D-E
2/9/25 |
campaign finance | SB 1185 Support | Campaign finance; coordination and required independent expenditure committee disclosure; civil penalties.
Provides a more detailed definition of the term "coordinated" or "coordination" in the context of campaign finance than current law.
Carroll Foy (D) |
Fiscal Impact Statement from Department of Planning and Budget (SB1185)
2/9/25 |
campaign finance | SJ 255 Support | Study; JLARC; Virginia's campaign finance laws; independent agency; report.
Directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) to study Virginia's campaign finance laws. ...
Rouse(D) |
Referred to Committee on Rules
(voice vote)
2/5/25 |