2025 Priority VA Legislation

of the Virginia Grassroots Coalition

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2025 Priority Bills

Climate & Clean Energy

Cat Number Title Patron House Senate updated
climate HB 1791 Support Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Program and Fund created. more...
Creates the Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Program and Fund to assist private developers with non-utility costs associated with the installation of electric vehicle charging stations (i) in certain localities,...
Sullivan (D) Passed
56-Y 41-N
9-Y 5-N 1-A rereferred to Finance and Appropriations
climate HB 1883 Support Electric utilities; renewable energy portfolio standard program requirements; power purchase agreements. more...
Amends certain renewable energy portfolio standard program requirements for Dominion Energy Virginia, including the annual percentage of program requirements to be met with behind-the meter solar, wind, or anaerobic digestion resources of three megawatts or less located in the Commonwealth. ...
Callsen(D) Passed
96-Y 0-N
Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor
climate HB 2101 Support Electric utilities; data center cost allocation. more...
Directs the State Corporation Commission to initiate proceedings to determine if the current allocation of costs among different customer classifications of electric utilities requires customers that are not data centers to unreasonably subsidize the costs of customers that are data centers. ...
Maldonado(D) Tabled
Subcommittee recommends laying on the table (5-Y 0-N)
climate HB 2126 Support Virginia Energy Facility Review Board established ... l more...
Establishes the Virginia Energy Facility Review Board as a political subdivision of the Commonwealth for the purposes of conducting critical interconnection reviews, conduct analysis and study policy options, review regional energy plans, local comprehensive plans, and local solar and storage ordinances and to facilitate the responsible siting of critical interconnection projects in the Commonwealth....
Sullivan (D) Tabled
Subcommittee recommends laying on the table (4-Y 1-N)
climate HB 2346 Support Electric utilities; virtual power plant pilot program. more...
Requires Dominion Energy Virginia and Appalachian Power to petition the State Corporation Commission for approval to conduct a pilot program to evaluate methods to optimize demand through various technology applications, including the establishment of virtual power plants. ...
Hernandez(D) Passed
71-Y 27-N
with substitute (9-Y 6-N) Constitutional reading dispensed (on 2nd reading) (39-Y 0-N)
climate HB 2356 Support Prevailing wage rate; apprenticeship requirements; renewable energy portfolio standard eligible source work; penalties. more...
Requires each public service company, including its contractors and subcontractors, to ensure payment at the prevailing wage rate set by the Department of Labor and Industry for any mechanic, laborer, or worker employed, retained, or otherwise hired to perform construction, maintenance, or repair work for certain electricity generating sources. ...
King(D) Passed
51-Y 48-N
Referred to Finance & Approp
climate HB 2578 Support Retail sales and use tax; exemption for data centers; reports. more...
Requires a data center operator, in order to be eligible for the existing data center sales and use tax exemption to (i) beginning July 1, 2030, purchase a certain percentage of the data center's annual electric load from clean energy resources, (ii) beginning July 1, 2030, ...
Sullivan (D) Tabled
Subcommittee recommends laying on the table (4-Y 1-N)
climate HB 2604 Support Electric utilities; request for proposals required for certain facilities. Print more...
Requires an electric utility seeking approval to construct or purchase a generating facility that emits carbon dioxide to demonstrate that it has conducted a request for proposals...
Tran(D) Stricken
L&CSub3 recommends striking (10-Y 0-N)
climate SB 853 Support Prevailing wage rate; apprenticeship requirements; RPS-eligible source work; penalties. more...
Requires each public service company, including its contractors and subcontractors, to ensure payment at the prevailing wage rate set by the Department of Labor and Industry for any mechanic, laborer, or worker employed, retained, or otherwise hired to perform construction, maintenance, or repair work for certain electricity generating sources. ...
Rouse(D) Passed
Passed House (50-Y 47-N)
Read third time and passed Senate (20-Y 18-N)
climate SB 960 Support Electric utilities; data center cost allocation. more...
Directs the State Corporation Commission to initiate proceedings to determine if the current allocation of costs among different customer classifications of electric utilities requires customers that are not data centers to unreasonably subsidize the costs of customers that are data centers....
Perry(D) Reported
Subcommittee recommends reporting with substitute (6-Y 4-N)
26-Y 13-N 1-A
climate SB 1021 Support Electric utilities; integrated resource plans. more...
Makes various changes related to the content and process for an integrated resource plan (IRP) developed by an electric utility that provides a forecast of its load obligations and a plan to meet those obligations. ...
Surovell(D) Committee
Labor & Commerce
21-Y 19-N
climate SB 1040 Support Electric utilities; renewable energy portfolio standard program requirements; power purchase agreements. more...
Amends certain renewable energy portfolio standard program requirements for Dominion Energy Virginia, including the annual percentage of program requirements to be met with behind-the meter solar, wind, or anaerobic digestion resources of three megawatts or less located in the Commonwealth. ...
VanValkenburg(D) Committee
Labor & Commerce
Read third time and passed Senate (26-Y 14-N)
climate SB 1100 Support Electric utilities; virtual power plant pilot program more...
Requires Dominion Energy Virginia and Appalachian Power to petition the State Corporation Commission for approval to conduct a pilot program to evaluate methods to optimize demand through various technology applications, including the establishment of virtual power plants. ...
Hashmi(D) Committee
Labor & Commerce
Read third time and passed Senate (22-Y 18-N)
climate SB 1114 Support Local regulation of solar facilities; special exceptions. more...
Provides that a ground-mounted solar energy generation facility to be located on property zoned agricultural, commercial, industrial, or institutional shall be permitted pursuant to various criteria...
Incorporated by Commerce and Labor (SB1190-Deeds) (15-Y 0-N)
climate SB 1196 Support Sales and use tax exemption; data centers. more...
Requires data center operators to meet certain energy efficiency standards in order to be eligible for the sales and use tax exemption for data center purchases....
Finance & Appropriations
climate SB 1225 Support Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Program and Fund created. more...
Creates the Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Program and Fund to assist private developers with non-utility costs associated with the installation of electric vehicle charging stations (i) in certain localities,...
14-0 vote
climate SB 1403 Support Electric utilities; request for proposals required for certain facilities. more...
Requires an electric utility seeking approval to construct or purchase a generating facility that emits carbon dioxide to demonstrate that it has conducted a request for proposals designed to fairly evaluate all available supply-side and demand-side options prior to seeking approval for such generating facility....
Stricken at request of Patron in Commerce and Labor (15-Y 0-N)
climate SB 1434 Support Solar photovoltaic project; siting. more...
Requires the Department of Energy's Division of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency to establish regional planning targets for each planning district for energy production and energy efficiency. ...
Incorporated by Commerce and Labor (SB1190-Deeds) (15-Y 0-N)
No. of bills: 18

General info

2025 Session Dates

Jan 8: Session begins
Feb 4: Crossover*
Feb 22: Session adjourns

House Testimony Find a committee/meeting

Senate Testimony Sign up 30 min before.

Constitutional Amendments

Amendments to the Virginia Constitution require that a resolution be passed by:

1. A majority of both houses during a session
2. Held over to be passed again by the next elected legislature, with an election intervening between the two approvals.
3. If it succeeds the second time, voters must approve the change in a referendum before it can take effect.


Dillon Rule. Restricts local government authority to enact ordinances.

Conference Committee. A temporary committee w. members from both the House and Senate, tasked with reconciling differences in legislation that passed both chambers.

Continued/Carried over. Action taken in an even-numbered year to postpone the consideration of a measure until the next regular session of the General Assembly.

Crossover. The last day for a bill to pass out of the chamber in which it was introduced and move forward for consideration in the opposite chamber. If a bill does not move forward, it is "Left" (dead).

Engrossed. A legislative stage when a bill passes the second reading in the House of origin. Every bill has to be "read" on the floor three times before voting on it. The action or any debate or discussion usually comes on the day of the second reading or the third reading.

Enrolled. Legislation which has passed both the House of Delegates and the Senate, signed by the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate, sent to the Governor, but not yet signed.

Failed to report. Defeated. The rejection of a motion to 'report' a bill to the full chamber.

Incorporated. Rolled into someone another bill. Either because they're identical, or they have incorporated *some* of the language in, and the patron agreed to have her name on the other bill.

Patron. Bill sponsor. There can be many patrons.

PBI. Passed by Indefinitely. Action to allow a committee to reconsider legislation at a later meeting. If the committee takes no further action, the bill is dead. [Usually the bill is dead.]

Referred. The assignment of legislation to another standing committee with no stance on the policy of the measure (neither endorses nor rejects the legislation).

Reported. The approval of a measure by the majority of the committee. The legislation may be reported by the committee with or without amendments. A bill may also be reported and referred to another committee.

Stricken. Legislation removed from a committee's docket, frequently at the request of the patron.

More definitions from League of Women Voters Virginia
More definitions from University of Virginia

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