2025 Priority Bills
Education | ||||||
Cat | Number | Title | Patron | House | Senate | updated |
education | HB 1954 Support | Equity in public school funding and staffing; special education students; at-risk students; English language learner students; support services positions; report.
Requires state-funded add-ons to be provided to support special education students that are calculated by multiplying weights set forth in the general appropriation act by the relevant basic aid per-pupil amount for each such student....
Rasoul(D) |
Read third time and passed House (61-Y 34-N)
Finance and appropriations
2/11/25 |
education | HB 2118 Support | Public schools; delayed implementation and review of revised public school accountability system.
Directs the Department of Education to delay for a period of one year the implementation of the revised public school accountability system adopted pursuant to applicable Board of Education regulations in order to conduct a review of and establish a stakeholder advisory committee to solicit input on such revised public school accountability system ...
Keys-Gamarra(D) |
Left in Education Committee
2/3/25 |
education | HB 2196 Support | Public schools; student discipline; Restorative Schools in Virginia Pilot Program; established.
Establishes the Restorative Schools in Virginia Pilot Program (the Program), to be administered by the Department of Education (the Department), for the purpose of addressing school discipline issues and promoting evidence-based restorative practices, ...
McQuinn(D) |
51 to 48
Education and Health Committee
2/6/25 |
education | SB 977 Support | Public schools; Standards of Quality; certain calculations; support services.
Requires the Department of Education (the Department) (i) in calculating nonpersonal costs in the Standards of Quality funding formula, to include the costs associated with work-related employee travel and leased facilities; ...
Hashmi(D) |
Left in Finance and Appropriations Committee
2/3/25 |
education | SB 979 Support | Department of Education; public school accountability; delayed implementation and review of revised public school accountability system; report; emergency.
Directs the Department of Education to delay for a period of one year the implementation of the revised public school accountability system adopted pursuant to applicable Board of Education regulations in order to conduct a review of and establish a stakeholder advisory committee...
Hashmi(D) |
defeated 17 to 22
2/5/25 |
education | SB 1262 Support | Public schools; student discipline; Restorative Schools in Virginia Pilot Program; established.
stablishes the Restorative Schools in Virginia Pilot Program (the Program), to be administered by the Department of Education (the Department), for the purpose of addressing school discipline issues and promoting evidence-based restorative practices, ...
Pekarsky(D) |
Left in Finance and Appropriations
2/3/25 |