2025 Priority VA Legislation

of the Virginia Grassroots Coalition

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2025 Priority Bills

Voting Rights

Cat Number Title Patron House Senate updated
voting HB 1657 Support Voter registration, regular periodic review of registration records; 90-day quiet period before all primary and general elections. more...
Requires the Department of Elections to complete not later than 90 days prior to the date of a primary or general election any program the purpose of which is to systematically remove the names of ineligible voters from the voter registration system....
Henson (D) Passed
Read third time and passed House (53-Y 45-N)
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections
voting HB 1938 Support Elections; general provisions, prohibited area. more...
Increases from 40 feet to 150 feet the areas around polling places, certain electoral board meetings, and recount locations within which certain activities or conduct are prohibited.
Reid(D) Passed
Read third time and passed House (56-Y 42-N) (New Wording has 40 ft limit)
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Election
voting HB 2002 Support Voter registration; cancellation of registration, sources of data. more...
Requires that, except for a written request from the voter to have his registration cancelled, the general registrar may not cancel the registration of any voter based on data or reports provided to him by any source other than the Department of Elections or a state agency approved to provide such data or reports by the State Board of Elections.....
Laufer (D) Passed
Read third time and passed House (52-Y 46-N)
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections
voting HB 2011 Support Voter registration; cancellation of registration by voter. more...
Provides that any valid authorization for cancellation submitted by a registered voter prior to the day of the immediately proceeding election shall be effective in such election. ....
Walker(R) Failed
Election Admin Subcomm failed to recommend reporting (2-Y 6-N)
voting HB 2056 Support Absentee voting in person; voter satellite offices, days and hours of operation. more...
Authorizes the governing body of any county or city establishing voter satellite offices for absentee voting in person to prescribe, by ordinance, the dates and hours of operation for such offices. ....
Reaser(D) Passed
Read third time and passed House (53-Y 45-N)
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections
voting, justice HJ 2 Support Constitutional amendment; qualifications of voters, right to vote, persons not entitled to vote. more...
Provides that every person who meets the qualifications of voters set forth in the Constitution of Virginia shall have the fundamental right to vote in the Commonwealth and that such right shall not be abridged by law, except for persons who have been convicted of a felony and persons who have been adjudicated to lack the capacity to understand the act of voting....
Bennett-Parker(D) Passed
(55-Y 44-N)1/14/2025
Agreed to by Senate (21-Y 18-N)
voting SB 760 Support Elections; deadline for receipt of absentee ballots and certain other information; 5:00 pm on the third day after the election. more...
Moves the deadline for receipt of absentee ballots, information required to cure an absentee ballot, or proof of identification to accompany a provisional ballot provided for lack of identification from noon to 5:00 p.m. on the third day after the election.....
Favola(D) Committee
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections
Read third time and passed Senate (23-Y 15-N)
governance, voting SB 1009 Support Elections; conduct of election; ranked choice voting; locally elected offices; report. more...
Allows elections for any local office to be conducted by ranked choice voting. ...
Salim(D) Sub
Assigned PE sub: Election Administration
Read third time and passed Senate (21-Y 19-N)
voting SB 1044 Support Elections; election results; reporting; provisional ballots. more...
Requires the general registrar of each locality to report to the Depart of Elections for each precinct in his locality the total number of provisional ballots cast, the number of those provisional ballots determined to be valid by the electoral board, and the results of such valid provisional ballots by voters assigned to such precinct....
Passed Senate (40-Y 0-N)
voting HB 1573 Oppose Absentee voting; absentee voting in person; available beginning 10 days prior to election. more...
Limits the availability of absentee voting in person to 10 days before the election. Under current law, absentee voting in person is available beginning 45 days prior to the election.
Green(R) Tabled
Rec: laying on the table (5-Y 3-N)
voting HB 1652 Oppose Elections; voter identification containing photograph required; who may register up to and including the day of the election; absentee ballot application requirements; absentee voting in person availability; return of absentee ballots. more...
Requires presentation of a form of identification containing a photograph in order to vote and provides that a voter who does not have one of the required forms of identification is entitled to cast a provisional ballot.....
Wyatt(R) Tabled
Rec: laying on the table(5-Y 3-N)
voting SB 764 Oppose Elections; voter identification; identification containing a photograph required. more...
Requires presentation of a form of identification containing a photograph in order to vote. ....
Incorporated by Privileges and Elections (SB1070-Peake) (15-Y 0-N)
voting SB 1175 Oppose Elections; absentee voting in person; uniform availability. more...
Requires absentee voting in person to be available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday during early voting and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on the first Saturday and second Saturday and Sunday immediately preceding all elections....
Passed by indefinitely in Privileges and Elections (8-Y 7-N)
No. of bills: 13

General info

2025 Session Dates

Jan 8: Session begins
Feb 4: Crossover*
Feb 22: Session adjourns

House Testimony Find a committee/meeting

Senate Testimony Sign up 30 min before.

Constitutional Amendments

Amendments to the Virginia Constitution require that a resolution be passed by:

1. A majority of both houses during a session
2. Held over to be passed again by the next elected legislature, with an election intervening between the two approvals.
3. If it succeeds the second time, voters must approve the change in a referendum before it can take effect.


Dillon Rule. Restricts local government authority to enact ordinances.

Conference Committee. A temporary committee w. members from both the House and Senate, tasked with reconciling differences in legislation that passed both chambers.

Continued/Carried over. Action taken in an even-numbered year to postpone the consideration of a measure until the next regular session of the General Assembly.

Crossover. The last day for a bill to pass out of the chamber in which it was introduced and move forward for consideration in the opposite chamber. If a bill does not move forward, it is "Left" (dead).

Engrossed. A legislative stage when a bill passes the second reading in the House of origin. Every bill has to be "read" on the floor three times before voting on it. The action or any debate or discussion usually comes on the day of the second reading or the third reading.

Enrolled. Legislation which has passed both the House of Delegates and the Senate, signed by the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate, sent to the Governor, but not yet signed.

Failed to report. Defeated. The rejection of a motion to 'report' a bill to the full chamber.

Incorporated. Rolled into someone another bill. Either because they're identical, or they have incorporated *some* of the language in, and the patron agreed to have her name on the other bill.

Patron. Bill sponsor. There can be many patrons.

PBI. Passed by Indefinitely. Action to allow a committee to reconsider legislation at a later meeting. If the committee takes no further action, the bill is dead. [Usually the bill is dead.]

Referred. The assignment of legislation to another standing committee with no stance on the policy of the measure (neither endorses nor rejects the legislation).

Reported. The approval of a measure by the majority of the committee. The legislation may be reported by the committee with or without amendments. A bill may also be reported and referred to another committee.

Stricken. Legislation removed from a committee's docket, frequently at the request of the patron.

More definitions from League of Women Voters Virginia
More definitions from University of Virginia

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