Working Groups


★ Request a CTA

Stair or Denis will create a CTA for bills being tracked by VGC working groups.
  1. Make a Google Doc copy of this Google Template.
  2. Input your CTA info.
  3. Send the link to Stair and Denis.

★ Make your own CTA in Action Network

Committee member email lists

Shared spreadsheets you can upload to Action Network. Files must be saved as CSV (Comma Separated Value)files.
[Contact Robin Kent [], if you need a new list. Contact Denis [] if you need download help. ]
  • HOD
  • Senate
  • How to use Action Network

    Uploading custom targets
  • VIDEO TUTORIAL: Custom Targets for Letter Campaigns
  • Spreadsheet Requirements
    — Columns: title, first_name, last_name, zip_code, country, gender, email, phone
    — Required values: title, first_name, last_name, email
    — Zip: Leave Blank
    — Gender: fill in M or F (optional)
    — Country: Will be US if left blank
    — Phone: We may want to add, when available
  • Upload a Committee list to Action Network
    1. Save Spreadsheet to your computer as a CSV file*
    2. CLick 'Custom Targets' in 'Details' (top menu).
    3. Click 'Add new targets' 4. Name your target (meaningfully!) 5. Follow the prompts...
  • Create a CTA
    1. Actions > Letter Campaigns
    2. In 'Select one or more target lists,' scroll down to find your Custom list.
    3. In another page, you'll be asked if you want to include all emails on this list or delete some.