VOTE NOW. It's Easy. Just Show up. Barack Obama

➔ You can REGISTER when you Vote! +
Missed the Online Voter Registration Deadline?
You can Register when you VOTE!

In Virginia, you can Register to Vote or Update your Address just before you VOTE in-person, at any Early Voting location or Election Day Polling Place for your address.

➔ You can even vote without ID! +
Bring picture ID, if you have it -- Or current utility bill, bank statement, etc. If you don't have any of these you may sign a statement at your voting location, that you are the named registered voter you claim to be.
List of Acceptable IDs

➔ Find your Voting Locations +

How to use

★ Input your address.
★ Go to any Early Voting location listed.

( Click blue arrow under map to find other locations. Early Voting locations are listed from closest to you. )

Find your TUES, NOV 7 Polling Location:
★ Click on 'ELECTION DAY' button at top of page. NOTE: On Election Day, you may only vote at the assigned polling place for your address, open 6am to 7pm. (If in line by 7pm, you may still vote).

"Our democracy is at stake. Voting Matters... It's up to you."
—President Barack Obama

Please share this webpage
with others, so they can vote too!

2024 VA Election Dates

General Election Day: TUES, NOV 5

Early Voting Period: SEPT 20 to NOV 2

Need Help with English?
Voters may bring someone to help interpret, even a child. (But not your manager at work or your union boss.)

Are you a College Student?
You may vote either at your home/parents' address or your college address. (But you MUST vote at the address on your Voter Registration.)