Campaign Finance Reform

Sean Perryman discusses Campaign Finance Reform w. Nancy Morgan and Johanna Gusman, March 2021.

Campaign Finance Reform Legislation

2021 US Legislation

For the People Act (HR-1): "Addresses campaign finance, including by expanding the prohibition on campaign spending by foreign nationals, requiring additional disclosure of campaign-related fundraising and spending, requiring additional disclaimers regarding certain political advertising, and establishing an alternative campaign funding system for certain federal offices." MORE

2021 VA Legislation

The only Campaign Finance Bill passed by the VA Legislature this year created a Study. Three other Campaign Finance Bills were left in committee. MORE

2020 VA Legislation

In 2020, only 1 bill related to Campaign Finance Reform was passed. It required disclosure of paid online political campaign advertisements, as already required for TV, etc. ads. MORE


Contact your Reps


American Promise. Advocacy for getting money out of politics.

Virginia Justice Dems. Working to build a new Democratic majority in Virginia, one that puts people ahead of corporate money and influence.

Virginia Justice Dems. Working to build a new Democratic majority in Virginia, one that puts people ahead of corporate money and influence.