Let's get Senate campaign finance bills passed in the House

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TO (DEM Delegates)

DelDAdams@house.virginia.gov, DelLBagby@house.virginia.gov, DelEBennett-Parker@house.virginia.gov, DelJBourne@house.virginia.gov, DelDBulova@house.virginia.gov, DelBCarr@house.virginia.gov, DelNClark@house.virginia.gov, DelKConvirs-Fowler@house.virginia.gov, DelKDelaney@house.virginia.gov, DelEFiller-Corn@house.virginia.gov, DelJGlass@house.virginia.gov, DelWGooditis@house.virginia.gov, DelEGuzman@house.virginia.gov, DelCHayes@house.virginia.gov, DelDHelmer@house.virginia.gov, DelCHerring@house.virginia.gov, DelPHope@house.virginia.gov, DelSHudson@house.virginia.gov, DelCJenkins@house.virginia.gov, DelMKeam@house.virginia.gov, DelKKory@house.virginia.gov, DelPKrizek@house.virginia.gov, DelALopez@house.virginia.gov, DelMMaldonado@house.virginia.gov, DelDMcQuinn@house.virginia.gov, DelMMullin@house.virginia.gov, DelCMundonKing@house.virginia.gov, DelKMurphy@house.virginia.gov, DelKPlum@house.virginia.gov, DelMPrice@house.virginia.gov, DelSRasoul@house.virginia.gov, DelDReid@house.virginia.gov, DelDRoem@house.virginia.gov, DelDScott@house.virginia.gov, DelBSewell@house.virginia.gov, DelIShin@house.virginia.gov, DelMSickles@house.virginia.gov, DelMSimon@house.virginia.gov, DelSSimonds@house.virginia.gov, DelSSubramanyam@house.virginia.gov, DelRSullivan@house.virginia.gov, DelLTorian@house.virginia.gov, DelKTran@house.virginia.gov, DelSVanValkenburg@house.virginia.gov, DelJWard@house.virginia.gov, DelVWatts@house.virginia.gov, DelRWillett@house.virginia.gov, DelAWilliamsGraves@house.virginia.gov

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Vote YES: SB222, SB318, SB463

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Dear Delegate,
Please support the following three (3) campaign finance bills which are crossing over from the Senate. All of them were passed with bipartisan support and the bills come directly from and reflect the exhaustive work of a tax-payer funded, bicameral, bipartisan Legislative Joint Committee on Campaign Finance Reform which identified key entry points for campaign finance reform and recommended next steps after meeting from August to October 2021.

The three bills include the following:
1) SB463 (Senator Bell) would restrict the personal use of campaign funds. This bill improves the bill which passed 100-0 through the House last year.
2) SB222 (Senator McPike) and SB318 (Senator Favola) strengthens existing campaign finance disclosure provisions.

If passed, these bills would not create radical changes in Virginia's existing campaign finance laws, but would begin to address some of the issues where Virginia falls far behind the rest of the country in transparency and government accountability. I hope that you vote 'yes' on these bills which are critical pillars of comprehensive campaign finance reform.

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