2024 Priority Bills
Live bills | ||||||
Cat | Number | Title | Patron | House | Senate | updated |
workers | HB 1 Support | Minimum wage; increases wage to $13.50 per hour effective January 1, 2025.
Increases the minimum wage from the current rate of $12.00 per hour to $13.50 per hour effective January 1, 2025, and to $15.00 per hour effective January 1, 2026. The bill satisfies a reenactment clause included in Chapters 1204 and 1242 of the Acts of Assembly of 2020.
Ward (D) |
(51-Y 49-N)
(21-Y 18-N)
3/30/24 |
guns | HB 2 Support | Assault firearms & certain ammunition, etc.; purchase, possession, sale, transfer, etc., prohibited.
Creates a Class 1 misdemeanor for any person who imports, sells, manufactures, purchases, possesses, transports, or transfers an assault firearm, as that term is defined in the bill, and prohibits a person who has been convicted of such violation from purchasing, possessing, or transporting a firearm for a period of three years from the date of conviction. ...
Helmer (D) |
w. substitute (20-Y 19-N)
3/29/24 |
climate | HB 106 Support | Shared solar programs; amends existing program provisions to apply to Dominion Energy Virginia.
Amends existing shared solar program provisions to apply to Dominion Energy Virginia (Phase II Utility). The bill provides that a customer's net bill for participation in the shared solar program means the resulting amount a customer must pay the utility after the bill credit, defined in relevant law, is deducted from the customer's monthly gross utility bill. The bill requires the State Corporation Commission to establish a minimum bill, below which a subscriber's net bill cannot go, that is calculated based on the amount of kilowatt-hours billed by the utility. The bill also changes the shared solar program capacity to at least 10 percent of each utility's adjusted Virginia peak load and requires the Commission's regulations to allow for program participation by all jurisdictional and nonjurisdictional customer classes. ...
Sullivan (D) |
(54-Y 44-N)
5/19/24 |
climate | HB 107 Support | Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Program and Fund; established and created.
Creates the Electric Vehicle Rural Infrastructure Program and Fund to assist private developers with non-utility costs associated with the installation of electric vehicle charging stations in certain localities. The bill provides that a private developer is eligible to receive grants of 70 percent of such non-utility costs for electric vehicle charging stations installed in a city or county that meets the criteria of a distressed locality, as defined in the bill, and caps the total amount of grants awarded in any fiscal year at $25 million.
Sullivan (D) |
(71-Y 27-N)
(28-Y 12-N)
3/11/24 |
voting rights | HB 128 Support | Local regulation of door-to-door vendors; political parties exempted.
Provides that local ordinances regulating the activities of door-to-door vendors shall not apply to any person participating in certain specified political activities.
Watts (D) |
(98-Y 0-N)
(40-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
education | HB 187 Support | Teacher and support staff compensation; at or above national average.
Requires that public school teachers be compensated at a rate that is at or above the national average teacher salary. Under current law, compensation at such rate is aspirational. The bill also requires that public school instructional and noninstructional support staff be compensated at a rate that is at or above the national average salary for such staff. The bill requires state funding to be provided pursuant to the general appropriation act in a sum sufficient to fund an annual increase for public school teacher and instructional and noninstructional support staff salaries such that, no later than the 2028%962029 school year, such individuals are compensated at a rate that is at or above the respective national average salary.
Clark (D) |
(74-Y 24-N)
w. amendments (21-Y 18-N)
5/19/24 |
workers | HB 212 Support | MEI Project Approval Commission; board-level gender and diversity requirements.
Requires that the MEI Project Approval Commission considers, prior to recommending approval of any major employment and investment (MEI) project, (i) whether a business has and commits to maintaining a balanced board of directors based upon gender and racial diversity, such that at least 30 percent of such board of directors consists of women and historically underrepresented groups, and (ii) whether a business seeking approval of a project submits a board diversity disclosure and commits to updating such disclosure annually, specifying the number and percentage of diverse directors on the board of such business who self-identify as female or represent a national, racial, ethnic, indigenous, or cultural minority in the country of the business's principal executive offices.
Watts (D) |
(51-Y 48-N)
with sub (21-Y 19-N)
3/30/24 |
rights | HB 243 Support | Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission; availability of complaint forms in courthouses.
Requires that paper copies of any standardized form developed and utilized by the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission for the filing of a complaint be made available to the public in the clerk's office in all state courts of the Commonwealth. ...
Martinez (D) |
(51-Y 48-N)
(32-Y 6-N)
4/9/24 |
governance | HB 265 Support | Removal of public officers from office; petition requirements; procedure.
Requires the signatures collected on a petition for removal of certain public officers to be collected within 90 days of the first signature being collected and provides that no signatures gathered after such period shall count toward the required number. ...
Simon (D) |
(58-Y 37-N), then (63-Y 37-N) w Senate substitute
w substitute (22-Y 17-N)
4/9/24 |
justice | HB 267 Support | Arrest/prosecution of individual experiencing mental health emerg.; assault against law enforcement.
Provides that no individual shall be subject to arrest or prosecution for an assault or assault and battery against a law-enforcement officer if at the time of the assault or assault and battery (i) the individual (a) is experiencing a mental health emergency or (b) meets the criteria for issuance of an emergency custody order and (ii) the law-enforcement officer subject to the assault or assault and battery was responding to a call for service requesting assistance for such individual. ...
Watts (D) |
(56-Y 42-N)
w substitute (20-Y 19-N)
4/2/24 |
rights | HB 335 Support | Employment; determining wage of tipped employee.
Provides that an employer shall increase the amount paid to its tipped employees by an amount determined by the employer in accordance with the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, a tipped employee who regularly performs services in the course of his employment for which there is no reasonable expectation of receiving tips shall receive an amount not less than the minimum wage for the time that he performs such services. ...
Gardner (D) |
(49-Y 47-N)
(20-Y 19-N)
4/9/24 |
guns | HB 362 Support | Purchase, possession, or transportation of firearm following an assault and battery.
Provides that any person who knowingly and intentionally purchases, possesses, or transports any firearm following a misdemeanor conviction for an offense that occurred on or after July 1, 2024, for the offense of assault and battery against a person in a dating relationship, as defined in the bill, with the alleged offender or an offense substantially similar under the laws of any other state or of the United States is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
McClure (D) |
(53-Y 46-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
3/29/24 |
education | HB 398 Support | Public elementary and secondary schools; student discipline; evidence-based.
Prohibits, except in certain cases involving firearms, drugs, adjudications of delinquency, or convictions of certain crimes, any public elementary or secondary school student from being suspended, expelled, or excluded from attendance at school without implementing at least one evidence-based restorative disciplinary practice ...
McQuinn (D) |
(52-Y 47-N)
w substitute (21-Y 19-N)
4/23/24 |
rights | HB 470 Support | Minor; petition for child in need of services or in need of supervision.
Authorizes an attorney or guardian ad litem representing a minor, or a parent, guardian, or other person standing in loco parentis of a minor, to file a petition for a child in need of services or in need of supervision with the clerk of the juvenile and domestic relations district court. Under current law, such petitions are required to be filed with an intake officer and are prohibited from being filed directly with the clerk. ...
Martinez (D) |
(75-Y 23-N)
w substitute (26-Y 14-N)
3/11/24 |
justice | HB 555 Support | Corrections Ombudsman, Office of the Department of; created, report.
Creates, within the Office of the State Inspector General, the Office of the Department of Corrections Ombudsman (the Office) headed by an Ombudsman who is selected by a Corrections Oversight Committee (the Committee), also created by the bill.
Hope (D) |
(40-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
rights | HB 569 Support | Employment discrimination; employee notification of federal and state statute of limitations.
Requires an employer who receives an employee complaint alleging sexual assault, harassment, or any other form of discrimination for which the employee may seek enforcement by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Office of the Attorney General to notify such employee that a charge may be filed with the EEOC or the Office of the Attorney General within 300 days after the alleged unlawful discriminatory practice occurred. ...
Henson (D) |
(49-Y 48-N)
w substitute (21-Y 19-N)
3/25/24 |
workers | HB 570 Support | Prescription Drug Affordability Board; established, drug cost affordability review, report.
Establishes the Prescription Drug Affordability Board for the purpose of protecting the citizens of the Commonwealth and other stakeholders within the health care system from the high costs of prescription drug products. ...
Delany (D) |
(52-Y 46-N)
(25-Y 15-N)
4/9/24 |
education | HB 624 Support | Public school funding; places several parameters on SOQ funding calculations performed by DOE.
Places several parameters on Standards of Quality funding calculations performed by the Department of Education, including (i) requiring the Department, when calculating the cost of salaries under the Standards of Quality funding formula, to include facilities staff and transportation staff salaries in the calculation of any cost of competing adjustment to salaries for instructional and support positions that is provided as part of the state share of basic aid pursuant to the general appropriation act; (ii) ...
Rasoul (D) |
(85-Y 14-N)
(40-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
education | HB 625 Support | Public education; community schools; Office of Community Schools at Department of Education.
Requires the Department of Education to establish the Office of Community Schools as an office within the Department for the purpose of supporting the development and growth of community schools throughout the Commonwealth in accordance with the Virginia Community School Framework ...
Rasoul (D) |
(64-Y 35-N)
w sub (21-Y 19-N)
4/23/24 |
education | HB 626 Support | Public schools; certain local school divisions; youth and community violence prevention.
Establishes the Community Builders Pilot Program and Fund for the purpose of reducing youth involvement in behaviors that lead to gun violence and increasing community engagement among public school students by providing to students who are entering the eighth grade and enrolled in Roanoke City Public Schools and Petersburg City Public Schools ...
Rasoul (D) |
(99-Y 0-N)
(40-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
education | HB 632 Support | Teachers; certain licenses and certificates.
Makes several changes to provisions of law relating to the licensure and certification of teachers, including (i) establishing universal licensure by reciprocity as a category of teacher licensure in the Commonwealth for certain licensed out-of-state teachers, regardless of the traditional or alternative nature of the education preparation programs that they completed;
Rasoul (D) |
(99-Y 0-N)
w substitute (39-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
campaign finance | HB 730 Support | Campaign finance; independent expenditure reports; electronic filing required.
Requires independent expenditure reports to be filed electronically. Current law allows such reports to be filed either electronically or in writing.
Sickles (D) |
(99-Y 0-N)
(39-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
climate | HB 746 Support | [SAVE] Energy efficiency programs; incremental annual savings.
Provides that it is in the public interest and the policy of the Commonwealth to deploy demand-side management programs and energy efficiency measures throughout the Commonwealth to achieve the greatest possible reductions in energy consumption. The bill permits the State Corporation Commission to increase or decrease an investor-owned electric utility's combined rate of return based on the utility's success in complying with energy efficiency program targets in existing law. ...
Webert (R) |
(90-Y 7-N)
(21-Y 18-N)
4/23/24 |
rights | HB 782 Support | Virginia Human Rights Act; dual-filed civil actions.
Clarifies timelines for dual-filing complaints alleging unlawful discrimination under the Virginia Human Rights Act and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The bill allows either the complainant or the respondent for any charge of discrimination to request a notice of the right to file a civil action after the Commission has closed its file on such charge of discrimination. ...
Herring (D) |
(99-Y 0-N)
(40-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
education | HB 805 Support | Sales and use tax, local; additional tax authorized in all counties & cities to support schools.
Authorizes all counties and cities to impose an additional local sales and use tax at a rate not to exceed one percent with the revenue used only for capital projects for the construction or renovation of schools if such levy is approved in a voter referendum. Under current law, only Charlotte, Gloucester, Halifax, Henry, Mecklenburg, Northampton, Patrick, and Pittsylvania Counties and the City of Danville are authorized to impose such a tax.
Rasoul (D) |
(69-Y 28-N)
w. substitute (27-Y 12-N)
4/9/24 |
governance | HB 894 Support | Virginia Freedom of Information Act; electronic meetings.
Amends the number of all-virtual public meetings that public bodies, with certain exceptions, may convene in a calendar year to no more than two times per calendar year or 50 percent of the meetings held per calendar year rounded up to the next whole number, whichever is greater. ...
Bennett-Parker (D) |
(74-Y 26-N)
(32-Y 7-N)
5/19/24 |
guns | HB 939 Support | Unlawful to knowingly carry a firearm within 100 feet of certain locations.
Prohibits any person, with certain exceptions, from knowingly possessing a firearm within 100 feet of the entrance of a polling place, the building used by the local electoral board to meet to ascertain election results, or the building used to conduct a recount of an election. ...
Shin (D) |
(51-Y 47-N)
w. substitute (20-Y 19-N)
3/29/24 |
rights | HB 994 Support | Legal age for marriage.
Establishes the legal age of marriage to be 18 years of age and eliminates the ability for a minor to be declared emancipated on the basis of the intent to marry.
Keys-Gamarra (D) |
(55-Y 42-N)
w amendment (39-Y 1-N)
5/19/24 |
governance | HB 1040 Support | Virginia Freedom of Information Act; definition of 'caregiver;' remote participation in meetings.
Provides that for purposes of determining whether a quorum is physically assembled, an individual member of a public body who is a person with a disability or a caregiver, defined in the bill, and uses remote participation counts toward the quorum as if the individual was physically present. ...
Bennett-Parker (D) |
(100-Y 0-N)
(26-Y 12-N)
5/19/24 |
climate | HJ 30 Support | [PBUR] Study; State Corporation Commission; electric utilities; performance-based regulatory tools; report.
Requests the State Corporation Commission, in consultation with the Department of Energy, to study performance-based regulatory tools for investor-owned electric utilities in the Commonwealth.
Sullivan (D) |
(97-Y 0-N)
w Substitute
3/11/24 |
workers | SB 1 Support | Minimum wage; increases wage to $13.50 per hour effective January 1, 2025.
Increases the minimum wage from the current rate of $12.00 per hour to $13.50 per hour effective January 1, 2025, and to $15.00 per hour effective January 1, 2026. The bill satisfies a reenactment clause included in Chapters 1204 and 1242 of the Acts of Assembly of 2020.
Lucas (D) |
(51-Y 47-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
3/30/24 |
guns | SB 2 Support | Assault firearms & certain ammunition, etc.; purchase, possession, sale, transfer, etc., prohibited.
Creates a Class 1 misdemeanor for any person who imports, sells, manufactures, purchases, possesses, transports, or transfers an assault firearm, as that term is defined in the bill, and prohibits a person who has been convicted of such violation from purchasing, possessing, or transporting a firearm for a period of three years from the date of conviction. The bill provides that an assault firearm does not include any firearm that is an antique firearm, has been rendered permanently inoperable, is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action, or was manufactured before July 1, 2024. ...
Deeds (D) |
(51-Y 49-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
3/29/24 |
education | SB 14 Support | Additional local sales and use tax to support schools; referendum.
Authorizes all counties and cities to impose an additional local sales and use tax at a rate not to exceed one percent with the revenue used only for capital projects for the construction or renovation of schools if such levy is approved in a voter referendum. Under current law, only Charlotte, Gloucester, Halifax, Henry, Mecklenburg, Northampton, Patrick, and Pittsylvania Counties and the City of Danville are authorized to impose such a tax.
McPike (D) |
(68-Y 28-N)
(27-Y 13-N)
4/9/24 |
workers | SB 15 Support | Reproductive health care services; prohibitions on extradition for certain crimes.
Provides that no demand for extradition of a person charged with a criminal violation of law of another state shall be recognized by the Governor if such alleged violation involves the receipt of or assistance with reproductive health care services within the Commonwealth unless the alleged criminal violation would also constitute a criminal offense under the laws of the Commonwealth. ...
Favola (D) |
(54-Y 46-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
4/8/24 |
workers | SB 16 Support | Search warrants; menstrual health data prohibited, definition.
Prohibits the issuance of a search warrant for the search and seizure of menstrual health data, as defined in the bill, stored on a computer, computer network, or other device containing electronic or digital information.
Favola (D) |
(51-Y 49-N)
(22-Y 18-N)
5/19/24 |
guns | SB 47 Support | Firearm; transfers to another person from a prohibited person.
Provides that a person who is prohibited from possessing a firearm because such person is subject to a protective order or has been convicted of an assault and battery of a family or household member may transfer a firearm owned by such prohibited person to any person who is not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing such firearm, provided that such person who is not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing such firearm is 21 years of age or older and does not reside with the person who is subject to the protective order. ...
Favola (D) |
(52-Y 47-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
3/9/24 |
governance | SB 85 Support | Virginia Freedom of Information Act; definition of "caregiver;" remote participation in meetings by persons with disabilities and caregivers; remote voting.
Provides that for purposes of determining whether a quorum is physically assembled, an individual member of a public body who is a person with a disability or a caregiver, defined in the bill, and uses remote participation counts toward the quorum as if the individual was physically present. ...
Favola (D) |
(95-Y 3-N)
(28-Y 11-N)
5/19/24 |
guns | SB 100 Support | Plastic firearms and unfinished frames, etc.; manufacture, import, etc. prohibited, penalties.
Creates a Class 5 felony for any person who knowingly manufactures or assembles, imports, purchases, sells, transfers, or possesses any firearm that, after removal of all parts other than a major component, as defined in the bill, is not detectable as a firearm when subjected to inspection by the types of detection devices, including X-ray machines, commonly used at airports, government buildings, schools, correctional facilities, and other locations for security screening. ...
Ebbin (D) |
(52-Y 48-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
5/19/24 |
education | SB 104 Support | Teacher compensation; at or above national average.
Requires that public school teachers be compensated at a rate that is at or above the national average. Under current law, compensation at such rate is aspirational. The bill requires state funding to be provided pursuant to the general appropriation act in a sum sufficient to fund a three percent increase for Standards of Quality-funded instructional and support positions, effective for the 2025%962026 school year and to fund an additional seven percent increase, effective for the 2026%962027 school year, for each school division, Academic Year Governor's School, and Regional Alternative Education Program. The bill contains provisions relating to eligibility to receive a prorated share of such state funding for any school division that fails to provide the required increases. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2025.
Lucas (D) |
(70-Y 26-N)
(40-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
education | SB 105 Support | National Teacher Certification Incentive Reward Program & Fund; eligibility, incentive grant awards.
Renames the National Teacher Certification Incentive Reward Program and Fund as the National Board Certification Incentive Reward Program and Fund, expands eligibility for incentive grant awards from such Fund pursuant to such Program from solely teachers who have obtained national certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards to (i) all public school staff who are candidates for initial national certification or maintenance of national certification to cover certain costs of obtaining or maintaining such certification and (ii) all public school staff who have successfully obtained or maintained such certification. ...
Lucas (D) |
w. substitute (96-Y 0-N)
w. substitute (40-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
climate | SB 253 Support | Shared solar programs; amends existing program provisions to apply to Dominion Energy Virginia.
Amends existing shared solar program provisions to apply to Dominion Energy Virginia (Phase II Utility). The bill provides that a customer's net bill for participation in the shared solar program means the resulting amount a customer must pay the utility after the bill credit, defined in relevant law, is deducted from the customer's monthly gross utility bill. ...
Surovell (D) |
(51-Y 47-N)
(23-Y 17-N)
5/19/24 |
education | SB 272 Support | Public school staffing ratios; teachers; English language learner students.
Requires state funding to be provided pursuant to the general appropriation act to support divisionwide ratios of English language learner students in average daily membership to full-time equivalent teaching positions as follows: ...
Hashmi (D) |
w. sub (57-Y 43-N)
(40-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
guns | SB 273 Support | Firearms; waiting period for purchases, penalty.
Provides that no person shall sell a firearm unless at least five days have elapsed from the time the prospective purchaser completes the written consent form to have a licensed dealer obtain criminal history record information, with exceptions enumerated in relevant law.
Subramanyam (D) |
(51-Y 49-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
3/29/24 |
workers | SB 274 Support | Prescription Drug Affordability Board; established, drug cost affordability review, report.
Establishes the Prescription Drug Affordability Board for the purpose of protecting the citizens of the Commonwealth and other stakeholders within the health care system from the high costs of prescription drug products. ...
Deeds (D) |
(50-Y 47-N)
(23-Y 16-N)
4/9/24 |
justice | SB 334 Support | Plea agreements; prohibited provisions.
Prohibits plea agreements from containing any provision that purports to waive, release, or extinguish a defendant's (i) rights under the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution of Virginia; (ii) right to file a petition requesting expungement of the police records and the court records; or (iii) right to have criminal history record information and court records sealed. ...
Salim (D) |
(51-Y 49-N)
3/22/24 |
rights | SB 350 Support | Virginia Human Rights Act; right to sue.
Permits a complainant who has not received a notice of the right to file a civil action from the Office of Civil Rights of the Department of Law or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as requested after 180 days have passed from the date the complaint was filed to commence a timely civil action in an appropriate general district or circuit court having jurisdiction over the person who allegedly unlawfully discriminated against the complainant. ...
Perry (D) |
(85-Y 12-N)
(40-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
justice | SB 357 Support | Assault and battery of a law-enforcement officer; penalty.
Reduces the penalty for assault and battery of a law-enforcement officer from a Class 6 felony to a Class 1 misdemeanor and reduces the mandatory minimum term of confinement from six months to 10 days. The bill also specifies that a person must commit assault and battery that results in bodily injury to be guilty of the enhanced offense. ...
Boysko (D) |
(49-Y 48-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
4/3/24 |
voting rights | SB 364 Support | Elections; protection of election officials, penalty.
Adds current or former status as an election official or employee of an election official to the categories of victims whose intentional selection for a hate crime involving assault, assault and battery, or trespass for the purpose of damaging another's property results in a higher criminal penalty for the offense. ...
Ebbin (D) |
w sub (52-Y 47-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
5/19/24 |
workers | SB 373 Support | Paid family and medical leave insurance program; notice requirements, civil action.
Requires the Virginia Employment Commission to establish and administer a paid family and medical leave insurance program with benefits beginning January 1, 2027. ...
Boysko (D) |
(50-Y 46-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
4/8/24 |
workers | SB 393 Support | MEI Project Approval Commission; board-level gender and diversity requirements.
Requires that the MEI Project Approval Commission considers, prior to recommending approval of any major employment and investment (MEI) project, (i) whether a business has and commits to maintaining a balanced board of directors based upon gender and racial diversity, such that at least 30 percent of such board of directors consists of women and historically underrepresented groups, and (ii) ...
Pekarsky (D) |
(51-Y 46-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
3/30/24 |
governance | SB 428 Support | Elections; any local or constitutional office may be conducted by ranked choice voting.
Allows elections for any local or constitutional office to be conducted by ranked choice voting. Under current law, only elections of members of a county board of supervisors or a city council are allowed to be conducted by ranked choice voting. ...
VanValkenburg (D) |
w sub (54-Y 44-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
4/9/24 |
justice | SB 456 Support | Office of the Department of Corrections Ombudsman; created.
Creates, within the Office of the State Inspector General, the Office of the Department of Corrections Ombudsman (the Office) headed by an Ombudsman who is selected by a Corrections Oversight Committee (the Committee), also created by the bill. The bill provides that the Committee is made up of four members of the General Assembly and 11 nonlegislative citizen members who monitor the activities of the Ombudsman and the Department of Corrections (the Department). ...
Marsden (D) |
(97-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
guns | SB 522 Support | Purchase of firearms; demonstrated competence with a firearm or completion of a firearms safety.
Requires that a prospective purchaser of a firearm present proof that such prospective purchaser has demonstrated competence with a firearm or completed a firearms safety or training course, as specified in the bill, within the past five years.
Williams Graves (D) |
(51-Y 49-N)
(21-Y 19-N)
3/11/24 |
climate | SB 565 Support | [SAVE] Energy efficiency programs; incremental annual savings.
Provides that it is in the public interest and the policy of the Commonwealth to deploy demand-side management programs and energy efficiency measures throughout the Commonwealth to achieve the greatest possible reductions in energy consumption. ...
Deeds (D) |
w. substitute (86-12)
w. substitute (21-Y 18-N)
4/23/24 |
education | SB 586 Support | Public elementary and secondary schools; student discipline, restorative disciplinary practices.
Prohibits, except in certain cases involving specific offenses enumerated in applicable law or in cases in which the division superintendent or his designee finds that aggravating circumstances, as defined by the Department, exist, any public elementary or secondary school student from being suspended, expelled, or excluded from attendance at school without first initiating at least one evidence-based restorative disciplinary practice such as community conferencing, community service, mentoring, a peer jury, peer mediation, positive behavioral interventions and supports, a restorative circle, or the Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports. ...
Pekarsky (D) |
w substitute (51-Y 47-N)
House substitute rejected by Senate (0-Y 39-N)
1/7/25 |
campaign finance | SB 692 Support | Campaign finance; independent expenditure reports; electronic filing required.
Requires independent expenditure reports to be filed electronically. Current law allows such reports to be filed either electronically or in writing.
Perry (D) |
(100-Y 0-N)
(40-Y 0-N)
5/19/24 |
workers | SB 716 Support | Unprofessional conduct; disciplinary action against doctor for providing abortion care, etc.
Prohibits the Board of Medicine from taking disciplinary action against a doctor based on the alleged provision or receipt of abortion care that is not prohibited under the laws of the Commonwealth, regardless of where such abortion care was provided or received. ...
Carroll Foy (D) |
(54-Y 45-N)
(21-Y 18-N)
4/8/24 |
governance | SB 734 Support | Virginia Freedom of Information Act; electronic meetings.
Amends the number of all-virtual public meetings that public bodies, with certain exceptions, may convene in a calendar year to no more than two times per calendar year or 50 percent of the meetings held per calendar year rounded up to the next whole number, whichever is greater. ...
Marsden (D) |
(79-Y 20-N)
(35 Y 4N)
5/19/24 |
climate | SB 737 Support | Energy efficiency programs.
Surovell (D) |
w. substitute (50-Y 46-N)
w. substitute (21-Y 19-N)
5/19/24 |
climate | SB 454 Oppose | Electric utilities; recovery of development costs associated with small modular reactor.
Permits American Electric Power and Dominion Energy Virginia to petition the State Corporation Commission at any time for the approval of a rate adjustment clause for the recovery of small modular reactor project development costs for up to one small modular reactor facility. The bill also permits the utility to petition the Commission for project development cost recovery along separate development phases.
Marsden (D) |
(52-Y 44-N 1-A)
(20-Y 16-N)
4/23/24 |