This appointment was blocked in the VA Senate. Thank you for your calls and emails to Legislators.

Urge VA Senators to vote against Confirmation of Suparna Dutta for Board of Education

Suparna Dutta is not qualified to be a BOE member. She is divisive and disruptive.


Please ask VA Senators to reject the appointment of Suparna Dutta for the Board of Education. 

1. She is known to have associated and rallied with members of far-right and white supremacist groups.

2. She is associated with dark money groups (Coalition for TJ, Independent Women's Forum, The Federalist, Pacific Legal, and Parents Defending Education) that push anti-public school actions and rhetoric.

3. She used an anonymous twitter account (since deleted) to attack parents and elected officials.

4. She accused the NAACP and FCPS board members of 'standing on the necks of Asians.'

5. She called racism and slavery 'questionable concepts.'

6. Finally she is not an educator, nor does she have a background that would qualify her as a policy maker for education issues.

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